
Transforming opinions, strengthening loyalties, shifting market share. Effective branding has the power to change so much.

As an award-winning branding consultancy, we believe in creating fluid and dynamic brands that are interchangeable, instantly recognisable and able to keep close to customers at every touch point.

Love brand,
hate bland

We love creating, evolving and sustaining brands that help ambitious leaders flourish. Awakening and re-awakening brand enthusiasm is what gets us out of bed every day and builds client relationships that last for years.

From initial name development, taglines and inspired identities to activating brands and undertaking brand guardianship, we’re totally immersed in adding value to the way people see, experience and interact with brands.

Whether it’s giving B2C brands freedom of expression or freeing B2B brands from complexity and industry competition, we know how to define and bring together all the elements of a brand for maximum effect.

Naming & trademarking

Nomenclature. What’s in a name? A lot more than you might imagine. Is it available? (So many aren’t!). Should it be descriptive, associative, free standing or totally abstract? What about national and international trademarking, registration and URL management? Will it stand the test of time?

You name it, we’ve covered it and we’re pretty nimble at finding ways around some of the issues involved in the process.

From namestorming and name generation (hapology to hybrids, neologism to derivative made up names) to mapping and analysing competitor names to customer and stakeholder testing and research, we’ll help you make all the right calls on what your brand is called.

Brand refresh or rebrand

To stay fresh, brands need to keep pace with their ever changing and ever more influential audiences. Brand loyalty is now as dependent on conversation as information - and only brands recognising that will stay recognised.

Whether it’s revolution or evolution, we love helping tired or challenged brands rise to the challenge and re-energise, without losing sleep over brand integrity or brand equity. It can often enable that step up from good to great in the lifecycle of a business. Naturally, stakeholder appetite for effective change is key to success.

Brand identity

What should a great brand identity be? A shining light of excellence in its markets? A mark of quality and reassurance for customers? A badge of honour for staff and stakeholders? Yes, yes and absolutely. Not forgetting that it also needs to come across consistently on screen, on paper and on every scale.

To develop a brand identity that everyone instantly identifies with, our creative team will look at a brand from all angles and against the competition before fine tuning the final design. It’s the art of making a brand distinctively different, easily recognisable and consistent yet dynamic in its application.

Brand activation & brand communications

Your brand is freshly created (or creatively refreshed) and good to go. How do you bring it to life with a big bang and not a whimper? Whether it’s brand launch or re-launch, we’ll help you achieve high levels of engagement as it rolls out to internal and external audiences; be it cross-border, cross media or multilingual.

We’ll even help you transform initial doubts and existing pre-conceptions into fresh excitement and enthusiasm, through effective brand engagement and brand training.

Sub-branding / Co-branding

How do you increase awareness of the master brand and protect its integrity whilst giving your sub-brands scope to shine in their own right? Perfecting the pecking order between the core brand and any sub brands is a skill in itself - and an increasingly important one we provide to organisations as they develop more branded services and initiatives.

Our experience with clients who have multiple sub brands also stands us in good stead for understanding the implications of brand hierarchy and brand architecture as well as the issues with co-branded partner communications.

Brand guidelines

Great guidelines get the right balance of consistency with creativity. The trick is providing the detail to follow with the flexibility to interpret and add value. So everyone has some power to make effective change to brand communications without affecting the integrity of the brand. We’re old hands at putting new guidelines together in all formats from brand books to summary guidelines - in print or digitally interactive.

Chaos has created global, European and UK brand guidelines for leading FTSE 100 and 250 enterprises, SMEs and enterprising startups.

Brand guardianship & brand management

We’ll protect your brand and its integrity as if it was our own. That’s why many of our clients retain us to guard, manage and evolve their brands for the long term.

We know what it takes to uphold guidelines, helping users to adopt as well as adapt them and managing local agencies to stay ‘on brand’.

We’ve also developed brand management tools (and brand sites) to ensure brand assets are managed effectively.